Thursday, 23 June 2016

Dairy Free Banana and Chocolate Smoothie

For my next recipe I am making a dairy free banana and chocolate smoothie that is super quick to make, and is suitable for a hot summery day.

These are the ingredients:

  • 2 bananas.  
  • 2 table spoons of Choc Shot (This doesn't even contain sugar)
  • 600 ml of alternative milk , we used oat milk.
  • A big handful of ice.  

First you need to add all the ingredients to a medium sized jug.

Next , you need to find a blender to mix your smoothie with. We just put a handheld one, straight into the jug to save Daddy having to wash up!

Finally, pour into a cup and enjoy with a sprinkle of Choc Shot on top! It is really delicious!

From Princess E! X

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

The Great Allergy Cross Contamination Experiment - Part 2!

Hi again, today I'm  doing part 2 of my experiments to show how easy it is to get tiny bits of food contamination! This could make someone, with an allergy, very poorly. Or they might end up in hospital. It can be very serious, and not everyone knows this.

First I put some  glitter in a bowl and got my hands covered in glitter ready for the experiment. 

Then I touched a cracker...

an apple...

a plate...

and a cup...

and it left them covered in glitter!

I also held Mummy's hand and it made her get glittery too!

Then Mummy wiped the table, with a baby wipe, to get rid of the glitter. It didn't all go after a few wipes. This means you have to be very careful when cleaning up after yourself too, as there might be enough contamination left to make you unwell.

So, if someone ate something like cheese then touched a cup, and then I touched it I would get itchy. If I ate a tiny bit of it, I might even end up in an ambulance again and having my epipens. So remember to wash your hands! And it gets rid of germs too! 

Hope you enjoyed my allergy cross contamination experiments. I have one more still to try and do soon. 

From Princess E! xxx

The Great Allergy Cross Contamination Experiment - Part 1

Hello again!

I wanted to do some kind of experiment to explain how serious cross-contamination can be for people with allergies. They might end up getting itchy or needing their epipens and an ambulance to hospital. Sometimes small parts of food can not be seen, so I chose glitter because it shows up easier than small amounts of food particles. 

For my first experiment, I wanted to see how food particles spread around the kitchen, by accident, and could make people very itchy or unable to breathe.

First I got two fresh cups of water  and added a pinch of glitter to one of them and dipped a spoon in that cup and stirred it well, then dipped the spoon in the other cup and that cup became contaminated. I knew because I could see the glitter shining in the second cup and on the spoon too!

I took a picture to show you how much glitter stayed stuck on the spoon and in the second cup. If this was something that someone was allergic to, they could end up very poorly from this. 

Part two to follow very soon. I have done the experiment already but now I am doing some baking ready to share with you soon!

From Princess E! X